Who We Are
With headquarters in Dallas, Texas, we oversee the global company, making certain that your ideas and products will feed the growing hunger domestically for foreign made goods, or abroad for domestically created products. We also guide you through the market trends and needs, advising you on packaging, pricing and distribution. Our expertise for developing successful strategies is second to none. Allow our team to assist you in building, implementing, and growing a product or a product line that focuses on the North American market.

Having developed hundreds of millions in goods for domestic and international distribution, TRACS Pacific gets the job done. This entails calling on the strong relationships built across Asia and the globe by CEO Conrad Sun. The untainted reputation he has developed in Asia, South America, and the United States, as well as strong relationships built in others, will directly benefit you through mutually earned trust with Asia's most competent manufacturing firms: firms you can trust with your intellectual properties and patents pending. Furthermore, TRACS Pacific's well-trained in-factory management and staff maintain production on schedule, at quality specs, and on budget.